We The People
International Art Exhibition 2025
Celebrating Black History
Deadline: December 16, 2024

The Exhibition will be held across three venues:
Artists’ Alliance at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts
100 Taylor St # 101, Colonial Beach, VA 22443
Colonial Beach Creative Arts Center
114 Washington Avenue, Colonial Beach, VA 22443
3D Virtual Gallery
Exhibition dates:
January 10 - February 28, 2025
Physical delivery of artwork is due:
January 6, 2025
In-person Opening Reception:
2nd Friday, January 10, 2025, 6:00 PM Eastern
CB Creative Arts Center & Artists' Alliance at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts
Virtual Artist Talk & Gallery Tour via Zoom:
Saturday, February 8, 2025, 6:30 PM Eastern
In-person Receptions:
2nd Friday, February 14, 2025, 6:00 PM Eastern
Artists' Alliance at Jarrett Thor Fine Arts & CB Creative Arts Center
Exhibition Format
This is a physical AND a 3D virtual gallery, and international show, making it accessible to locals and artists from all countries, engendering cross-cultural appreciation, and facilitating international friendship. We want a truly global representation of artistic voices and perspectives, transcending geographical and racial boundaries. Artists may choose to show only in the Virtual Gallery if they prefer not to ship or deliver the selected artwork.
Theme: "We The People"
Art's value is expression and communication. What does "We the People" mean? How do the six purposes of the United States Constitution, found in the Preamble, relate to the African Diaspora across the globe - across history?
We the People of the United States, in Order to
form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice,
insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common Defense,
promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
do ordain and establish
this Constitution for the United States of America.
NOTE: Get the definitions of the words of The Preamble here: The E-Book
Submission Guidelines
Artists of all ages, from any country and of any ethnicity may apply.
Artwork must be kid-friendly. No explicit sexual imagery will be selected.
The artwork submitted by the artists may be used for further marketing, publications, or exhibitions. By submitting artworks, the artists agree to grant the Organizers limited Use Rights. Read the Use Rights Agreement Here.
All submitted artworks may not be selected.
While there are no physical size limitations for the virtual gallery, the dimension limits for the gallery walls are 40 inches maximum in either direction.
Digital Representation Requirements:
Submit a high-resolution photograph of your entire work (.jpg or .png format)
Minimum resolution: 300 dpi
Ensure the image accurately represents the colors and details of your work
The artwork should fill the frame, with minimal background visible
Artist Statement (200-250 words):
Explain your interpretation of "We The People" through your work
Describe your inspiration, concept, and artistic approach
Discuss your choice of media and techniques
Rights and Authenticity:
Ensure that the submitted work is your original creation
By submitting, you permit us to display images of your work as part of the digital exhibition and art exhibition catalog.
You retain all other rights to your work.
Diversity in Art:
We encourage submissions that showcase diverse cultural perspectives and artistic traditions
Submission Fees (There is no upfront entry fee. Fees are paid only if the artist is selected.)
Gold Members of Art Impact International, Colonial Beach Artists Guild, Artists' Alliance, or Colonial Beach Creative Arts Center: $25 (up to three works of art.)
Non-Members: $45 (up to three works of art.)
(Sponsorships are coming available from community businesses and leaders.)
Commission: 40%. A portion of the proceeds benefit Art Impact International, Artist Alliance, and Colonial Beach Creative Arts Center, and Arts Center of Montross. The Artists will receive 60% of the sale price of the artworks sold.
Perks & Benefits for Selected Artists
We value the contributions of our artists and are pleased to offer the following benefits to those selected for the exhibition:
Group Video Showcase: Each selected artist and artwork will be included in a professionally produced video featuring their images/works, providing an excellent promotional tool for their portfolio.
Published exhibition catalog: All selected works will be included in a high-quality, print-on-demand art exhibition catalog, offering lasting documentation of the show. It will be shared with the Library of Congress.
Invitation to participate in the two art receptions in Colonial Beach, Virginia, catered.
Invitation to participate in the recorded group Artist Talk & 3D Gallery tour via Zoom.
Social Media Promotion: Our organization will actively promote featured artists and their works across our social media platforms, increasing visibility and reach.
Certificate of Participation
Exhibition Goals
Through this diverse collection of artworks we aim to:
Foster dialogue about resilience, hope, and the human capacity to find comraderie.
Provide a platform for cross-cultural artists to share their unique perspectives on Black History and the U.S. Constitution's purposes.
Create an immersive physical and digital experience that encourages artists and visitors to reflect on their encounters with the idea of "We The People".
Build a sense of global community and shared experience among artists and visitors alike.
If you don't receive a confirmation email after your submission,
please check your spam folder.
Contact Carolyn Goodridge at cgoodridge@artimpactinternational.org