Alyssa Tin
Bio & Statement
My name is Alyssa Tin and I’m 15 years old. I have always enjoyed drawing and painting traditionally and digitally during my free time ^-^! I usually incorporate many colorful palettes (kind of a fauvism style) in my artworks just because I like to experiment with different color combinations.
With this piece, I wanted to portray what has been currently happening during this pandemic. The cute miniature people sitting on Mother Earth’s knee connects to my and many other students experiences with online school. The people fighting with vaccines, protesting to wear masks and working in the hospital are the ones trying to protect us, heal us and take action against COVID 19(smog of green). However, nothing always goes as planned, hence why Mother Earth seems ill and other mini people die. This is our current battle, but whether my piece is a display hope or despair, it is up to the audience to decide as I’d like to think of it as a mystery.

Alyssa Tin
Mississauga, Ontario