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Zenobia A. Rickford

As an abstract expressionist, my art is a vehicle that uses the elements of form (color, line, and/or texture) with little or no attempt at creating a realistic art piece. Creating inspires and uplifts me; enables me to elevate my work to a much higher level. Experimentation is one of my great joys, it helps me to express my inner most feelings and to explore endless possibilities of visual communication. My work challenges the viewer to use their imagination to see realities in a non-realistic composition.

Zenobia A. Rickford


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Lanham, Maryland

Underwater Wilderness
Dancing in the Dark
Buena Vista

Save Our Oceans, Save Our Seas


Zenobia's greatest inspiration comes from music; studies of famous artists past and present such as: Michelangelo, Rembrant, Carravagio and Matisse; as well as her art instructors from Howard University; Lucille Roberts aka "Malkia" Lois M. Jones and James Porter, and David Driskell. These people encouraged her creativity and inspired her to take risks in technique and subject matter. She has created several bodies of work in the past 40+ years including themes such as: Afrocentric, water, still life and nature. At present she is developing a body of work on excerpts from the Bible with an emphasis on the 23rd Psalms.


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