Douglas R. Giebel
My own inclination as an artist was to work representationally, based upon direct observation of the model, whether it be a landscape, human figure, or a combination of those subjects. As a Christian, my understanding of the world as God's good creation has directed my work as a figurative artist. I admire the beauty that God has placed in nature to reflect his glory. I am stimulated by the inexhaustible splendor creation holds, reflecting the wisdom of its Creator. My work is nurtured by the subtlety and structure of what God has made. I am eager that the fruit of my artistic labor joins in the universal praise that all creation, as recorded in Psalm 148, sings to its Maker.
Douglas R. Giebel

Rochester, New York

Save Our Oceans, Save Our Seas
I was born and raised in Michigan, a state surrounded by water. As I child our family had picnics on Belle Isle in the Detroit River. Our grandparents also had a cottage on Lake Huron, where we learned of the beauty, and grandeur that a large body of water brings to our experience of nature. Since those early days, I have lived in New York City, Boston's north shore, St. Paul, Minnesota, and now Rochester, New York, all places in which water has had a great impact on my sensibility as a perceptual artist. Each of these different, yet water-related landscapes have guided my development as an artist over the years.