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Erica Villabroza

As an Emerging Artist, my critical acclaim has been through democratic processes in which have been juried through democratic rule Having been awarded a public grant was based on my lobbying initiatives such as recycling and in other consultation. Advocacy in art has been somewhat a public expression not only on the canvass but in running for public office for the school board, working in government and working in international organizations such as the UN. Advocating for the marginalized has always been a passion and have been nominated and publicized in numerous exhibits, such as Congress (UK, Australia, China and USA, EU). Approved partnerships in art have been also demonstrated through celebrity approval such as David Arquette, Jim Carrey, Lucy Liu, and other political figures, Michelle Obama, and much more.

Erica Villabroza


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Burlington, Ontario

I'm Swim-Swimming
Share the Journey

Save Our Oceans, Save Our Seas


Being brought up in a fortunate country such as Canada, my parents never let me take for the granted the wondrous freedom of the land I was born into. My life experiences is a reflection of my art - how a woman, of a visible minority, who did it all the right way, has managed to survive many upheavals in life . My life stages are expressed in my art, demonstrating its fullest degree through the means of spirit and vigor. These pieces are a range of inventive images of what I see in my life, that is, through nature of merging souls and misdemeanor all put together.


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