Allan Teger
Pandemic, The Light Therein
International Virtual Art Exhibition Series
(September 2020)
After years as a psychology professor at the Univ. of Penn and Boston Univ., I left academics for a career in art. My art has been the subject of two books and has been published in magazines in over 25 countries. I have had 20 one person shows and have been included in over 75 group shows. My work is produced in the studio using doll house furniture and toys. The images are made with a single exposure, NOT constructed in Photoshop. All of these images have been produced during the social isolation period of the pandemic.
Artist Statement
The artist, like the shaman, walks the fine line between the sacred and profane; between the conscious and the unconscious. Knowing that reality exists on many levels, they use this knowledge to move between levels and to draw power from this knowledge. As the image sits in our consciousness the contradictions are revealed and the resolution seems to hover just out of our reach. But if we allow ourselves to sit with it for a while, it no longer appears to demand resolution. This set of images speaks to the current pandemic. The future is uncertain as we head into the unknown. We are asked to obey social distancing, but despite it all, we can still be happy and dance. Meditation and contemplation are the keys to serenity in these difficult times.
Allan Teger
Vero Beach, Florida
United States of America
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purchase information.
And Yet They Danced!
Social Distance