Elena Gaston Nicolas
Pandemic, The Light Therein
(July 2020)
I was born to embrace the earth that gives us inconceivable things
I conceive our planet, including the atmosphere, oceans and continents too, as a living organic unit. Our ecosystem is the Universe.
I am very concerned about the future of the planet (environmental awareness).
Fratricidal dramas all over the world; violent and progressive Denaturation, Deforestation and Planetary Dehumanization...are affecting us all.
The world needs a paradigm shift a return to nature to re-find himself.
My soul is a sculptor, but my nomadism has made me specialize in painting, although I try to be multimedia.
I like the matter and the spirituality.
With Appreciation for LIFE
I can, I know and I am with Will, Love, Light and Consciousness.
With Humility, Service, Hope and Confidence.
Elena Gaston Nicolas
United States
Bladensburg, Maryland
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ELENEUDIS 70-80 is known as the decomposed syntagmas after Comet Haley passed through lost in Gutemberg's huge galaxy.
Runaway phrases, violently sweep over the tender bucolic landscapes of the rugged Pyrenean mountains, which succumb to the dethroned rhythm of the heroic appreciation of the distant trees, rivers, mountains and everything that the Great Creator wagered on the forehead of "eleneudistic gastonterepia"
This period was followed by what is known as the Name of ELENEUSIS, or stage of great silence ...
In 2005 she began the long journey with the "Ordination of Axtrakto art" - hold on!
Then she recovers the runaway eleneusis that was able to show back in the eighties."
I was born in one of the first moments that criticism attributes to me