Lisa Rose Musselwhite

Lisa Rose Musselwhite
The Pacific NW, Oregon, has always been my home. Nature and art have always inspired me, since I was a child. I did not realize I was an artist until I was in my 40s when a friend of mine saw some of the drawings I made for my children, and said, "Hey you're pretty good, and with some guidance you could do some great work." I was encouraged, and I went to a Community College and took some art courses and it blossomed from there. I started with Simple images and moved up from there. I then got inspired to draw women and depict the struggle many of us go through as women in our world. My "Reflections of a Women" series was born, 34 paintings in all. In which they move from depression/oppression to confidence and strength. Which in turn gave me confidence and strength. This propelled me into the work I do now, with landscapes, horses, dogs, buildings and people.
For 10 years I volunteered at The Gresham Visual Arts gallery, setting up, organizing, showing my art and curating shows. It was a real joy to work with emerging artists and show their work and help them gain confidence. I have also done many street shows over the years. Now, due to COVID I am at home, painting and showing my artwork in several different juried international online art shows, and I have won several awards for my paintings.
I paint because I must! I have a driving desire to paint my emotions while I delve within myself to find the truth of who I am. I lived far too long trying to be and please who I thought society and others wanted me to be. I am who I am, and I continue this journey of self-awareness through my artwork and my life to find the balance.
George Leonard said: "At the heart of each of us there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm which connects us to everything in the universe". This silent pulse is what I search for in myself and I want to express in my art. May the spirits grant me the time and wisdom to achieve this goal.
Her Name Is Meadow
"Her Name is Meadow", is in my "Reflections of a women" series. She is very sad and afraid, Also, very vulnerable. she has no face as she represents more than one women. The Blue background shows the depth of her feelings and the white dots are so many of her thoughts and emotions raining down on her. there is also an element of magic to her as her feelings are taking her someplace she has never been before. She is on her way to becoming whole and who she wants to be, no longer held down and or oppressed by society and what it thinks women should or should not be.
Bridget, Celtic for Resolute, Strength
Bridget is in my "Reflections of a women" series she is gaining confidence and realizing she can be what she wants and that she has to break out of what society says she can be. So, she is feeling happy with herself, letting the chains that held her down fall off and ready to find herself.

Lisa Rose Musselwhite
United States
Ginger Latin for Pure Maiden
Ginger is in my Reflections of a Women series. another step to break out of oppression. She is trying to get a clear view of the direction she wants to go. She is on the path to finding out she is intelligent and equal to the men in her life. She is not just a women, but a strong confident women who can be who she wants to be.
Jess, Radiance and Beauty
Jess, is in my Reflections of a women series. She is realizing who she is and feels free to express it. Joy, Love, Peace and beauty. The freedom to be her own person, to love deeply, to sing with joy, to play, to work and just be herself, freeing herself from the oppression we have all felt as women