renée d. nelson
Born in San Francisco and raised in central California, Renee served 8 years in the U.S. Air Force which afforded her the chance to live several years in the Philippines and to travel throughout Asia. She considers herself a lifelong learner, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, a Master of Arts degree in Writing Popular Fiction, and is currently pursuing a Certificate in Christian Apologetics.
Renee Nelson is an editor, a published novelist and poet, and a prolific multi-media visual artist with a focus and delight in all things tactile. She works in watercolor, acrylics, fused glass, ceramics, encaustic and fibers, and she has a particular affinity for re-purposing items that normally get thrown away. She has exhibited extensively in juried, solo and group shows, and her work is held in many private collections.
Whether I’m writing a story or poem, painting a picture, or creating a sculpture, I want the end result to be something meaningful that causes the reader or viewer to feel something, to be moved in some way, whether happy, sad, surprised, inspired, nostalgic or simply transported to another place for a moment in time.
-Renee D Nelson
White Plains, Maryland