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ilina mustafina


Ilina is a multimedia artist, who works with photography, sound, film and fine art.  
She was born in a small town called Baltiysk on the west side of Russia. Here, she attended J. S. Bach School of Art while doing Ballroom dancing and taking part in different art and dancing competitions in Eastern Europe.  Ilina comes from a Mongolian heritage family and was very sensitive and romantic growing up, finding a love of beauty from a very early age.

Sometimes, as a child, while waiting for her parents, she would play a game: she would look at strangers passing by, and try to study them by trying to get in their heads and trying to understand what they feel.  She loves to walk and explore, she loves nature. “There are so many interesting things around us, so much to learn.”

She lives in downtown New York now, studies architecture at Parsons School of Design and works with a few modeling agencies as a photographer.  Ilina believes in magic, power, love and beauty in every living thing.


Passion, power, love and freedom are the main elements in Ilina’s works. Using clean colors and smooth transitions, Ilina is showing you what her inner world looks like; how she sees things. There is inspiration all around us. There is goodness, life and light in everything. Light is what creates beauty. Beauty is what Ilina is looking for. Power is within us, it makes us create our own world, the way we want it to be. I believe that if artistic work makes you feel something, gives you food to think, awakens your heart - then the work is done well. That's what magic is - connecting with each other through the light within us.












-Ilina Mustafina

New York City, New York

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