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Lily Kumari

The Child Factor

International Art Exhibition

(February15 through November 15, 2021)

Take A Full Tour


I like creativity. Have basic knowledge of fine arts. Created some still lifes, sketches, water colour, oil colour and acrylic based paintings too.

Child are always innocent. They attract us through it with their cute psychological activity.

Innocent Psychology of Kid

Innocent Psychology of Kid

Kids always feel that their whole world around their mother. If mother give attention on other kid it is intolerable for that kid. He wants come inside the lap of mother again and demands all those things which are not shareable in his thoughts.

Lily Kumari

Lily Kumari


Thank you for supporting the Artist!

Portions of the proceeds will go to the Precious Gems charity.

Click to learn more about their important work.

Artists United For Positive Change


Please contact the Curator:

 Carolyn Goodridge at

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