Jean Catherine Howard
The Child Factor
International Art Exhibition
(February15 through November 15, 2021)
Take A Full Tour
Jean Catherine Howard moved to South Florida in 1990 to work as a photo editor and photographer for The Palm Beach Post. She earned an M.A. in Photojournalism from Ohio University's Viscom program and she has a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Missouri. At this time she works as an active documentary photographer photographing mothers who have lost a son to gun violence in Palm Beach County. She photographs children in Palm Beach County as famous artists and historical figures. She currently lives in West Palm Beach and works as a teaching artist for The Center For Creative Education.
Photography gave me a golden key to understanding the world, and provided a way for me to give a voice to those in need. After completing my Masters thesis in Nicaragua I was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts grant. I used the grant money to photograph the street orphans of Haiti. From Nicaragua to Haiti to Africa I have been supported by Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal and Pentecostal people of faith.
For the past 15 years I have worked with the Mothers against Murderers Association photographing mothers who have lost a family member to gun violence. I hope the work has helped heal the pain of loss for so many families and spread their stories increasing our compassion in our country.
As an arts integration teacher I photograph my students in a variety of ways. I insert the portraits of some students into famous art; some are photographed in front of a green screen and they become part of the effects of climate change; other students are photographed as historical figures.
Honoring Our Black Cowboys
Our children are curious about our past and are interested in our Indian Culture. In this photograph a 3rd grade student becomes a Cherokee Indian.

Samire and Matisse
Samire painted her face to match the Matisse painting.

Jean Catherine Howard
United States

Our students learned about famous artists by painting and becoming the artist. They also painted their faces to be inserted into the original piece. Here is Picasso and his new friend, an 8th grade student from Sacred Heart School in Lake Worth Beach, Florida.
Me and Picasso
Thank you for supporting the Artist!
Portions of the proceeds will go to the Precious Gems charity.
Click to learn more about their important work.
Artists United For Positive Change