Jennifer Santiago
War or Peace?
International Art Exhibition
Jennifer Santiago was born on October 12, 1975 in the Bronx of New York City. She grew up and was raised by young parents on the upper east side of Manhattan, Spanish Harlem. Through high school, her extracurricular activities involved dance, choir, cheerleading and swimming. She has acquired a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Health Education and a Master�s of Education degree in Instructional Design. Her personal interest have continued to be in the arts...drawing, acrylic painting, poetry, photography and creative short story writing. After her son and daughter were born, her special interests have been inspired to write and publish bilingual (English and Spanish) children�s books to impress and forge ahead the Puerto Rican culture utilizing Christian values. She was awarded last summer of 2022 the NY City Artist Corps Grant to help fund a free community art gallery event. She continues to partner with other artists, to help strengthen and build communities through diverse arts.
Art is the expression of human creative skill and imagination. As we were created in God�s image (Genesis 1:27) �aka� God�s artwork, we have the ability to transform, illuminate, educate, inspire and motivate through multiple mediums of art. Art has the power to move people and offer new experiences. Art is a vehicle that rides an influential path to impact values, engage communities, inspire vision and purpose. It's in our DNA!
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