Self-Publishing Your Art Book
- A Workshop in the District of Columbia -
DATE: Saturday, May 18, 2019
TIME: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Studio Gallery 208, 6445 Luzon Avenue, NW, Suite 208, Washington, DC 20012
Would you like to physically document your artwork in a coffee-table style book? Is it easy, difficult, or what? Whether it is your own art or a treasured art collection that has been in the family for years, it deserves to be beautifully documented and preserved. You just need to know about all the moving parts so you can navigate the publishing arena. We will be covering those moving parts, including all the nuts and bolts of self-publishing so that you can begin to move forward with publishing your art book successfully. You may want your book to chronicle your personal art history with images, poems or prose to help illustrate your story; we will cover these and many other details in the workshop. By the end of our time together you'll be ahead of the crowd, equipped and informed with all you need to move forward with your art book project. We will explore the following topics and questions:
Pre-production (How do I set up my book for success? Timelines? Budget? Audience? Title?)
Photography (Who's going to photograph my work?)
Preparing digital files (Which standard size should my book be?)
Images (What type of image file and resolution size works best for a printed book?)
Graphic design (Who's going to layout the pages?)
Quality (Who's going to proofread or check for errors? Costs for that?)
ISBN Barcode (How do I get one?)
Copyright (Should I take all the steps to formally do that?)
Printers (Which printing companies will print the book the way I want it printed?)
Distributors (Which ones do the libraries use to order my book?)
Library placement preparation (Should I bother with libraries at all? How should I price my book?)
Marketing (How do I get the word out about my book?)
By the end of the workshop, you will have drafted an excellent self-publishing blueprint, roadmap, and budget (from $0-$2,000+) and be well on your way to self-publishing your art book, a beautiful and permanent compilation of your creative works.
WHAT WILL BE PROVIDED: Light refreshments and handouts
WHAT TO BRING: A notebook, pen/pencil, and a rough idea of what you want your book to communicate
Carolyn Goodridge, cgoodridge@artimpactinternational.org, (877) 772-6045
NOTE: 100% of the proceeds for this workshop will benefit Art Impact™ International, Inc. Any amount of donation besides the paid ticket is very much appreciated.
DATE: Saturday, May 18, 2019
TIME: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Studio Gallery 208 | 6445 Luzon Avenue, NW | #208 | Washington, DC 20012
FEE: $49
Carolyn Goodridge
Founder and Executive Director
Art Impact™ International, Inc.