Lisa Draper
Lisa Draper has been an artist since the age of 2, and thanks God that she is able to pursue art as a career. She specializes in large format mixed media, and has private and corporate collectors in the United States and Europe.
She uses fluid and flame to explore human relation to powerful forces of nature - particularly water, fire, and the cosmos.
She begins with a 2-part epoxy resin, and adds color to bring the adhesive to life. Lisa pours and manipulates the mixture, applies heat using a blowtorch (to eliminate bubbles and enhance oil-based effects), and leaves it to cure.
Lisa lives in Lehi, Utah, where she is a wife to 1, and mother of 3. She sits on two non-profit boards, and believes strongly in the power of people to change the world for good. She loves action movies, scenic drives, the beach, airplane take off, NYC street music, and anything sweet. Her main love is spending time with her husband, Paul, and teaching her children how to change the world.
I create to bring light to others. Because my artwork is abstract, the beauty of it comes from pure color, and emotion.
“A Study in Integration” is an image of layers of liquid mixing together. Each layer is beautiful alone. However, they are each much more interesting and beautiful together - lending their own voice to a community of different looks, views, and experience. No layer is better than the other. Each has culture, knowledge, and a wealth of good to share with the next person, their communities, and the world. Each adds interest to the canvas of the Earth.
“By Candlelight” - Every time I experience a candle burn my breath is taken away. That little, tiny flame truly does create light and beauty for everything around it. It moves and dances, and banishes the darkness.
May we seek to honor our goodness, and our culture. Cultivate our gifts, and share them with those who have complementary (and sometimes opposing) strengths and weaknesses. In this we use our light to brighten the world, and create living contrast that is breathtaking.
- Lisa Draper
Lehi, Utah