Lovemore Chimphanga
War or Peace?
International Art Exhibition
Lovemore Chimphanga is a growing Visual Artist who is self-taught and engaged in creative activities while studying Educational Linguistics at the University of Malawi. specializes himself in pencil and pen realistic drawings. He publishes conceptual works through SNS, and the production process is also evaluated as content.
His is passion for art started in his early ages, but it is not long time ago when he realized that he can do more in the art industry. In 2018, when he began taking his art career seriously, after being inspired by some both local and international artists on social media.
In 2020, he signed a contract of mandate to be showcasing and selling his artworks on a South African online art platform (Contemporary African Art Gallery (CORA) https://cora_gallery.com)), curated by Shelly Mortimer:(connect@cora-gallery.com), in 2022, he was approved to showcase his works on Japan-Africa Contemporary Art Association gallery (https://africaflower.wixsite.com/daichinohana/lovemore)
His works mostly dwell on day to day concepts. Thus, the things that we face every day. These includes how people should live equally without oppressing the other, thus living peacefully with oneness. He believes that he can change the world through art since art is not just what you see, but what you make others see.