Dorothy Napp Schindel

Dorothy Napp Schindel
An award winning author and visual artist, long time theater director, scenic designer and museum educator, Dorothy was Director of DramaMUSE Associates in New York City, where she created interactive theater and drama based programs for major museums. For the past fourteen years she has been an artist-owner of Gallery 14 in Vero Beach, FL. A graduate of Columbia University, she studied art at the Brooklyn Museum Art School, Cooper Union, Studio and Forum of Stage Design, and School of Visual Arts. Her numerous awards include: 'River of Hope' an anti-pollution piece chosen for Housatonic River Reflections - an exhibit at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and being awarded First Place for 'Unholy Visions' in an exhibit sponsored by UNIFEM - The United Nations Development Fund for Women.
I usually begin with my personal or historic photographs. As they become collages they are purposely fractured to inspire a visceral response to the subject and locale. Dramatic stories abound. My interest lies in defining a sense of place, while creating organically evolved narrative mosaics that fuse rich color and textures with political and historical statements. I'm fascinated with the way people, past and present, interact and respond to their real or dreamed about environments. Perhaps this is due to my years of work as a scenic designer specializing in conceptual installations for alternative theater spaces. It is up to the viewer to partner in developing and internalizing the narratives.
I'm The Woman Who Has Awoken
This collage is about Meena, true hero, women's rights advocate, poet (whose words are the title of this piece), assassinated martyr, and founder in 1977 of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA).
Bravo to the Women
Bravo to the women in musical theater, who as role models bring insight and clarity to characters who inspire and challenge us, and who as artists have made great strides in the field of theater during this last century.

Dorothy Napp Schindel
United States
'Clouds' addresses the everyday unsung hero - the indispensable housewife of the mid 20th century, whose work was never done and never fully appreciated.
City of Hope
City of Hope spotlights the women, who in the trenches, fight the uphill battle for equality, recognition, support and funds, in the search for improved treatment and eradication of breast cancer.