Rasa Valiene
This project, Amber Heart, started when on my usual walk at the beach, I was startled by the intricate patterns in the sand. I felt that I stumbled upon something novel and hidden in plain sight. Such unique patterns laid out beneath our feet, washed away and reconfigured with every tide. They inspired me to bring together the beauty of Long Island's beaches, and my imagination, portraying my personal perception of nature and the relationship that we as humans all have with it. I hope this project can help spread awareness about preserving the environment and inspire people to protect the beaches, which are threatened by erosion, pollution and looming effects of climate change.
Rasa Valiene
Riverhead, New York
Save Our Oceans, Save Our Seas
Rasa was born in Lithuania 1962. She started painting as a young child, using walls, streets and every possible surface as canvas for her expressions, and continued her focus on art throughout her formal education. Rasa participated in shows at galleries in and around Lithuania during 15 years of work as an Advertising Designer and Art Teacher in Kaunas. After moving to New York in 2001, she started working as a Freelance Decorative Painter and exhibiting her works throughout New York.