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Teresa Camozzi

Pandemic, The Light Therein

(August 2020)

From my small town, I am experiencing the stress rise, which in better times would be loving and congenial. It is incredibly challenging to feel useful during our global crisis. I began making hand sanitizer and fabric masks (call if you need some). Nothing is as satisfying for me than creating art in the studio. The “Suspension,” “We need...” and “Begging Bowl” series have been born over the last three months. From this work I have learned, we will not return to our lives of the past, the economy will improve, and we will care about one another more than before because we have learned that which is the most important, love. Love one another, and we will rise into a new, better world. Receiving information from the unknown” is typical for artists. We don’t talk about it much as it further isolates us.

Teresa Camozzi

United States

Healdsburg, California

Suspension 1417
Promise 1
Promise 9

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Multimedia California artist Teresa Camozzi, born in Rabat, Morocco, immigrated to the United States when five years old. Her artwork evokes the complexity of the Islamic, while her immigration shades her political view. Studying in San Francisco's Academy of Art, her mentor was Ernst Posey. Known internationally for large-scale permanent public artworks, she combines representational and abstract images via conventional art methods (photography, drawing) and computer technology. One example is a seven-story installation near Shanghai, China; another is at Miami International Airport. She earned the National 2009 Americans for the Arts Award for public work in Plano, Texas.


Amanda Armstrong Headshot.jpg

Suspension 1417

Promise 1

Promise 9

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