Irina Hinkel
The Child Factor
International Art Exhibition
(February15 through November 15, 2021)
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Artist Irina Hinkel, native Russian, started interest in art in early childhood, was a member of group of artists for school newspaper creation. Purdue University Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts was earned 2013. Irina Hinkel participated in Patti Rusty Rueff Galleries, Westwood exhibitions in West Lafayette, Lafayette Gallery Walks- Ferry Street Studios, Bindery Artists Studios, "Be the Change Exhibition" sponsored by Women4Change Indianapolis, Indiana, Garfield Galleries Indianapolis, 60-word minimum art critic.
Artist is a member of TAF, Lafayette, Indiana. Artist works in variety of media. Besides the look into the composition, shape, color, values, texture, the main point for artist is exploration of art as the way to carry the message and to speak. Artist resides and works in West Lafayette Indiana, USA.
Children's earliest childhood experiences influence their future life. Child starts the life as dependent and completely relies on adults. Children are more vulnerable to poor living conditions, inadequate healthcare, nutrition, safe water, and housing. Argument for children's interests, survival, protection, and development shouldn't be dismissed. Each child in any country should have rights for healthcare, education, protection. Future of society depends on well- being of children and on their possibilities for development.
This artwork depicts toys (representing children) striking for children's rights, peace, love, family, wellness.
Irina Hinkel
United States
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Portions of the proceeds will go to the Precious Gems charity.
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Artists United For Positive Change