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Elena Gastón Nicolás


Symposium Internacional de Escultura y Arte. Valle de Echo (Huesca), 1975-1984
Studio Constantin Stanivlasky. Barcelona 1985-1989
Las Katalíticas (Kabaret Group).Barcelona 1987-1992
Las Felapio (Performance group). Barcelona 1990-1992
Bob Destiny & The Bourbon Blues Band. Zaragoza 1993-1995
La Vía Láctea (Natural Childbirth). 1994-2006
Asociación Madreselva (Nursery and outdoor playground). Benasque (Huesca) 1995-2000
Escuela de Música de “DE LA VAL”. Benasque (Huesca) 2003-2006
Pequeñas Cosas importantes (Fair-market watercolors) 2003-2017
Los últimos Dinosaurios. (Artistic Colective). Canfranc (Huesca) 2009-2016
Reform Activities-Teacher Experimentation Projects 2006-.2019
Individual Exhibitions
2005 Exhibition "LA ORDENAZIÓN DEL ARTE AXTRAKTO". Cultural Association A-71.
The towerThe Borja’s Tower. Zaragoza. Spain.
IES Goya.Zaragoza.
2015 ENCOMIENDA EN NUÉVALOS. Nuévalos. Zaragoza.
2016 POST NEBULA PHOEBUS. Iber Caja Actur. Zaragoza.
Colective Exhibitions
1987 REM Abstraction Gallery geometric Enrique Gastón. Jaulín. Zaragoza.
2009-2016 THE LAST DINOSAURS (En la Torreta, En la Vía Galáctica, En el Campo de Borja, en la Nieve, en el Camino de Santiago (Casa del Músico.....)
2012-2014 Monroyo, Fuendespalda, Valjunquera, Teruel
2018 Agora Gallery. New York


Guardian of the planet. Multidimensional Artist, Ombudswoman of the Soul. 
My  80’s Eleneusinos sketches, culminated with Astrakt Art Ordination in 2004.
I articulate my workaround The Three Ways of Spiritual Knowledge: 
The Alchemical Way, the Priestly Way and the Way of the Warrior.
My Ashrams (Artists Books)  are the support on which I organize myself.
In the Series Goodness, Truth and Beauty (Healing the Roots)
I try to seek Elemental beings.
have learned that in Nature is all there is to know.
I believe, I love, with solid foundations, empathic perspective, and a holistic sense of reality
Travels across Europe have broadened my horizons.
I studied Fine Arts and Sculpture in the 80’s (Barcelona University).
I worki n protection and conservation of Natural Biotopes, artistic organizations and theater groups. Also in Educational Reform and Experimentation Projects.
Ancient Greece, Renaissance, and Encyclopaedic thinking; Surrealism, Informalism, Abstract expressionism and later Transvanguardia, Land Art, Fluxus & Performance; Impresionim, fauvisme, expresionism and Metaphysical Art are my references.
I am Classica, oneiric, immediate and whole-hearted.

Elena Gastón Nicolás

Bladensburg, MD, USA

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Saturday, August 24, 2019

(3 - 5 PM)

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